Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Congratulations Grads!

If it's not football, then GRADUATION! That's what everyone's talking about..well at least among the people I see everyday.

And soon enough, someone wanted a graduation-themed cake =D. But this cake also had another aspect to it: a trophy =D I directly thought: I can now use my new gold edible lustre dust! YAY! I've started using powder food coloring recently. At the start of my cake decorating "journey" I only knew about liquid food coloring, but now that I've gone deep into this world, I realized there are MANY!

Edible lustre dust is simply food coloring in the form of powder..with some "lustre" added to it. The lustre makes the fondant/icing shine and have an amazing finishing touch to it. You can use the powder as is, or you can mix it with a little alcohol or some lemon extract and "paint" on your fondant. Pretty cool, huh?!

Back to the cake: Chocolate as usual covered with elegant white marshmallow fondant.
I had some leftover black fondant so I crafted the graduation cap out of it. I had to place a small square cardboard beneath the top of the cap to keep it from falling apart.

As for the trophy, that one was a challenge!! I (with my awesome mom's help), took out almost every cup/bowl/glass in the house that resembles the top of a trophy. After a frustrating hour, we decided on this old tea cup we had (you know that looks like those old coffee cups) and I draped some fondant over it and let it dry for a couple of days. After that I piled some different sized circles on top of each other for the base and made some S shaped handles :D

Finally (my favorite part) I painted the trophy gold!

Isn't the color just amazing?

Note to self: Get some more gold lustre dust and some silver ones as well!!

Oh and congratulations to all graduates =D

(Ehem, such as me and my sister Sally =D) YAY!


  1. WOW!!! a trophy!!! love it sooo much + the cap!! i can imagine how hard it must have been to make the trophy so symmetrical!! amazing work ya diana! i'm speechless :D

  2. mona!!!! thank you!! yea it was hard work. but FUN! i loved making the trophy, i love symmetry , so im glad you caught that =)

  3. hehe :) btw congrats again, to both you and sally <3 it's so nice that you're graduating together :D


Thank you for leaving a comment!!! It's what gets me excited to go into the kitchen and bake again! =D