Tuesday, July 3, 2012

A little girl's dream...

Pink, pink, pink!! That's all I was thinking about while making this cake.

It's dee-licious chocolate cake on the inside with my usual marshmallow fondant on the outside. (Note to self: I should really start working on that marshmallow fondant tutorial!)

I made two batches of fondant, each with a different shade of pink.

The cake is covered with light pink fondant and decorated with pink daisies and red hearts! (I finally got to use my daisy cutters, which were PRETTY HARD to find!)

I've also recently stumbled upon many cake designers that work on the cake board as much as the cake. So I thought I'd try covering my cake boards from now on. This one was pretty simple. I just covered it with some white fondant and a long strip of pink fondant.

Here's the Cake!

What do you think?


  1. Dianaaa! It's your cuzin noor lol :p I LOVE THIS CAKE SO MUCH! It's so beautiful! Keep up the amazing work deedz!


Thank you for leaving a comment!!! It's what gets me excited to go into the kitchen and bake again! =D