Wednesday, January 11, 2012

FC Barcelona Football Cake

Yes, I'm surrounded by football fans! (I just wish I could speak their language :P )

SOOO, today is my sister Lana's birthday!!!!! =D

Photo Credit: Sally Loutfy
and she's a Barcelona fan (that the understatement of the year!!) - but you get the picture. She has everything: scarfs, flags, pillows, posters etc. the whole thing!

And since her birthday was coming up, there really wasn't anything else I could do for her =D

SO! Football cake: I've always wanted to make a football, I keep wondering how I would do those 'creases' things. Turns out they weren't all that easy! But still, I think they turned out great! I love them. It took a long time, and many many trials. The end result was that I started with a white fondant ball, rolled it out into a big circle.
I placed it on my frosted cake and then cut out those black things :P. I glued them on the ball and finished it with connecting the edges together to make it look like a ball.
Oh and the ball is a simple vanilla cake.

I made a chocolate square base and covered it with green fondant. I placed the ball on top and went to start on the scarf.

That was fun!! (It took me a loooong loooong time to finish though)

I took one BIG red fondant ball and rolled it as much as I can (Have you ever made play dough bracelets? - If you did then you know what I'm talking about). Then I took my rolling pin and flattened it out. Then I cut out blue fondant stripes and rolled them with the long red fondant. Then I trimmed the edges and worked on the scarf ends.

Photo Credit: Sally Loutfy
And for the logo, I did that a day before. It needed patience and time!!! I trimmed the outline on some yellow fondant and cut out the details from colored fondant and I stuck them to the yellow one. Last time, I only used fondant for the base of the logo and drew the details on with buttercream. I think this is neater, no? (Here's the Arsenal Cake if you haven't already seen it!)

I wrote her name using these letter imprinting tools I recently got. They make the letters look so neat, right?? (I have such bad handwriting, I really have to work on that!!)

Here's a view from the top:

Photo Credit: Sally Loutfy

Photo Credit: Sally Loutfy

Happy Birthday Lana!!


  1. Lana- Birthday Girl ;)January 11, 2012 at 9:25 PM

    Thank You Dianaaa <3 This was the most amazing cake i have ever seen and tasted :P I hope someday i can make you as happy as you made me today :*

  2. So proud of you Diana. You are very talented. Allah yi7miki.
    I wish you all could see Lana's tears when she saw the cake.
    Welcome to the teens Lana.


  3. Lanaaa habibte!!!!! the most amazing cake for the most amazing sister :P Happy Birthday again! I'm glad you like it

    and Mom: I wouldn't be able to do any of these without you!!! Love you

    Thank youuuuuuuuuuu

  4. I was really shocked by this cake. A barcelona cake couldnt have been made better!
    The whole thing looks realistic and polished which is the most important thing in theme cakes. Specially that scarf rapped around the ball really has that scarfy effect which I bet was hard to do.
    The colors are wonderful and not washed out and they go with the green base which makes the whole thing look appealing to the eye and delicious.
    AND its a damnt two layer cake!!!!
    wlik yifda7 7areeshik ma af5amik! :P
    y5aleeke :)

  5. Sary! coming from an Arsenal fan, this means a lot!!!=D Thank you! I agree with what you said and I love this cake :P The scarf thing was hard yea but it was my best part! i loved how it came together. see? the colors are wonderful! I'm going to have to get another set of them :P

    hehe thank youuuuuu!!!! =D

  6. I love the family bonds shown here.. really diana i keep saying this every time, which probably makes it say like i don't mean it, bas u really have outdone urself again! im just running out of words! i really dont know what to say anymore! the colors and the details and the idea and the football and wth i can go on forever hehe!!
    and really it is so touching to see what u are ready to do for ur sister!! such a happy scene :')
    allah y5alleekon la ba3ed and happy birthday lana =)

  7. monaaaa!!! i cant wait to do one for you :P i have so many ideas!!!!! im happy u like it :D i always wait for your amazing comments :D
    thank youuuuuuuuu

  8. YUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMmmm looks delicioussssssssss, you never fail to surprise me :DD::D

  9. Sarineeeee! Its cute isnt it? :P thank uuuuuuuu xxx

  10. this is really the best cake Ive ever seen!!! (yes coming from a Barca fan but it really is amazing :D

  11. Omarrr!! I can't believe it!!!! thank u =D I'm happy you like it.. coming from a Barca fan, it means a lot :P

  12. Lovely post from Barca! I am a big fan of the team, thanks for this post!

  13. Hello Arnab! Thanks a lot =D I'm happy you like it :D


Thank you for leaving a comment!!! It's what gets me excited to go into the kitchen and bake again! =D