Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Black and White Cookies

Photo Credit: Sally Loutfy
I recently got this amazing cookbook (from an amazing friend!!) and thought it's about time I try something from it. The book is called "Baking with the Cake Boss " and it's such a wonderful book. It has everything: from butter cookies to tarts to fondant tiered cakes! It really is the perfect book =D I'm sure this blog is going to some very interesting posts coming up because of the Cake Boss =D

Now since I have finals and there's so little time =( , I decided to go for something simple.
I saw this recipe for a cookie that is well not a cookie. By  that I mean it's texture is somewhat different. It's actually initially a vanilla cake recipe but the recipe's been tweaked a bit to make it more of a cookie.

This cookies were HUGE! and they taste like soft fluffy cookies. I myself like the crunch of a cookie but I did like this one, especially after i covered it with the dark chocolate and the sugar icing. They really made a difference! It's a very good cookie, you can enjoy a very sweet taste on one side and then balance it out with the dark chocolate.. amazing =D

Photo Credit: Sally Loutfy

Oh and they're fun to play with :P you can turn them around and make funny faces out of them!

OH OH NEW ANNOUNCEMENT: I've finally opened a facebook page! So check it out =D Deezert's Facebook Page


  1. awww the one on the right in the final picture looks like a spider's web! definitely my favorite hehe! great work deee :D keep em coming!

  2. hehe mownaa thank you! yes, well i remembered the spider web cake i made so i thought i'd try if it works with this icing :P it was some much mona!! haha thanks again =D

  3. Cake Boss as in THE Cake boss? the show where they make crazy cakes? ouu :D I like that show, but not as much as Ace of Cakes (now they make AMAZING cakes!).
    The cookies look so cute, especially the last one lol!

  4. Yup!!! Same one :D hes amazing!!! :D and i love tht show.ace of cakes..i watched it once but cdnt catch it again. Do u know when/where they put it???? And thaaaank you :D


Thank you for leaving a comment!!! It's what gets me excited to go into the kitchen and bake again! =D