Sunday, December 2, 2012

Twitter, Instagram and Cake

This week has been crazy! I still do not believe it's Sunday and it seems like its been ages since I've blogged. But I'm back..with a very special cake that I reaallllyy enjoyed doing.

I'm loving those cakes that need small details as opposed to big themed designs. So this was the perfect cake for me to end the week with.

(And I just had to have  a social media cake on my blog :P )

This cake has two social media icons (as you can see):


and Twitter

They were pretty straight forward to do. I just baked the cake and made all my fondant beforehand and left the fun part till the end.

I rolled up my sleeves, turned on some music and got to work.

I started with the cake board itself. I'm thinking of starting to always cover those dull golden cake boards. Makes the cakes look better. This cake had a background of the Armenian Flag. So red, blue, yellow. Pretty easy.

Then I covered the cake with white fondant and started with the logos.

I printed out cutouts of both logos in front of me and started recreating.

I really liked the results!

What do you think?

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Guest Post: Is Christmas pudding - pudding?

Hello Deezert people! I have another guest post for you.

This time it's about Christmas! YAY!



Is Christmas pudding - pudding?
by Corina David
It’s been a while now since shops have started displaying their Christmas decorations and most importantly the Christmas goodies. Among them, the Christmas pudding seems to be just another type of dessert – nothing special.
But the British Christmas pudding is indeed a bit more special than that.
Take a look at these pictures:

One is a chocolate pudding, the other is sticky toffee pudding. One has a cream like consistency, the other one looks like a piece of cake. And then the list can go on: tapioca pudding, rice pudding, banana pudding. You can even buy pudding is sachets, just boil some milk and add some sugar. And you’ll get yourself two nice bowls of steaming pudding.
And finally, there is the Christmas Pudding.
The Christmas pudding is mainly a British Christmas dessert that doesn't have the custard like consistency of the pudding described above. It is a proper cake, made with lots of fruits and spices; a classic, favourite British dessert. It’s so famous that we even sing about it, without actually realising it:
“Oh, bring us a figgy pudding
Oh, bring us a figgy pudding
Oh, bring us a figgy pudding and a cup of good cheeer” (We Wish You a Merry Christmas)
What are the main ingredients?
Sultanas, raisins, currants, almonds, orange or lemon peel, mixed spices, like cinnamon, nutmeg, plain flour, eggs, sugar and something to make one merry indeed: a tiny little bit of alcohol: either brandy or rum. If you are interested in the recipe, you can find it here.
After all these mouth watering ingredients, it is easy to understand why the Christmas pudding is special. 
Just one more funny detail to keep in mind!
 You’ll want to remember King George I or the Pudding King. George was born in Hanover, in what is now Germany. At the age of 54, after the death of Queen Anne of Great Britain, he ascended the British throne – in 1714. As the Christmas of that year was his first Christmas in England, he requested that plum pudding (similar to the present Christmas pudding) be served as part of the royal feast.  
So you may want to go on with singing the carol “We won’t go until we get some/We won’t go until we get some” or pay a visit to Dunn’s Bakery to find more details about this special Christmas dessert.


Sunday, November 4, 2012

Ribbon Engagement Cake

Yes! I've finally ventured into Tiered Cakes. They've always been intimidating to me but once someone asked me for an engagement cake, how could I have said no? So, I researched and researched and RESEARCHED and finally came up with a system for tiered cakes that is reliable, efficient and wouldn't affect the final look.

The cake design was simple enough:

2 Tiered cake with a golden color scheme. The first layer was a polka dot creme colored cake

 and the second layer was an ivory gift box with a HUGE golden ribbon.

Making the diamond pattern on the 2nd tier

The final result:

I've realized that ribbons really add dimension to the cake and makes it pop! Don't you think so?

The cake was a butter devil's food chocolate cake moistened with a sugar syrup to keep it moist and fresh. The filling was Almond Crunch Swiss Meringue Chocolate Buttercream (long name for such a delicious filling).

This is me frosting the cake! I just love this part =)

A piece at the party!

Almonds with caramel, these went into the buttercream! =D

The mess after the cake =P

Check out my other Ribbon Cake

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Deezert is one! My First Blogoversary: Celebrating with Lemon Cake

I can't believe it's already been a year since I started blogging. I remembered how reluctant I was at hard it all looked! All that code and what not..

But soon enough, I got the hang of it and I fell in love with blogging and regretted that I haven't started one long before.

It's really amazing if you think about, I've been my stats for a while now and I have people from all around the world that read this blog: Germany, UK, India, Canada, Australia, Jordan, Algeria...really all over the place...
This just baffles me!!

And don't worry, there will be cake in this post. Did you really think Deezert's birthday will pass without any cake?!!!!!!

I opted for simple (yet not so simple to make) lemon cake.

The vanilla cake was 4 layers of angel food cake, so all egg whites and no yolks!

YUM, white vanilla fluffy cake.

I could eat this cake all by itself but the lemons looked so beautiful I had to use them in some way.

I made a delicious thick lemon curd using sugar, lemon juice, lemon zest and a whole bunch of eggs.

 I stacked the cake and the lemon curd and covered the whole thing with sweet white marshmallow fondant (again, Deezert's birthday has to have marshmallow fondant somewhere in it!).

Me, making the flower =)

I ruffled long strips of fondant and layered them on top of the cake and added a 5 petal flower on top.

Isn't this a refreshing way to start another year of full Deezerts??

Happy First Birthday Deezert

Monday, October 8, 2012

Monster Cookie Layer Cake

I've seen this cake many many times and always thought about recreating it but was intimidated by the "fur". However, I will never say no to a request! (Especially a Sesame Street Cake!)

The cake itself was also a challenge. Two layers of moist vanilla cake: a white white and pink-tinted one. One layer of red-velvet cake and last but (definetly) not least chocolate cake.
(Ah, if only I can have a piece right now!!!)

Then it was time for FROSTING!

I wanted something that tastes really good but can also last and not melt and mess up my pretty cake.
My final decision was laid upon Sweetapolita's Swiss Meringue Buttercream.
It looks silky smooth and tastes delicious. It's starting to become my go-to frosting.

I made a LARGE amount of buttercream. I chilled my cakes and stacked them one on top the other and cumb coated the whole thing.

Then I got out my piping tools. I searched and searched and finally found the perfect tip: Wilton Grass Tip 233.

2 cups of butter cream later...I was confident enough to try frosting my cake.

3 hours later (and an almost broken wrist =O )....I WAS DONE.

I then added white buttercream eyes and chopped off my cookies in half (and I totally did not eat the broken ones =) ) and stuck them on his mouth.

Here's the cake on the inside =D
and voila!

Monster Cookie Cake