Monday, October 8, 2012

Monster Cookie Layer Cake

I've seen this cake many many times and always thought about recreating it but was intimidated by the "fur". However, I will never say no to a request! (Especially a Sesame Street Cake!)

The cake itself was also a challenge. Two layers of moist vanilla cake: a white white and pink-tinted one. One layer of red-velvet cake and last but (definetly) not least chocolate cake.
(Ah, if only I can have a piece right now!!!)

Then it was time for FROSTING!

I wanted something that tastes really good but can also last and not melt and mess up my pretty cake.
My final decision was laid upon Sweetapolita's Swiss Meringue Buttercream.
It looks silky smooth and tastes delicious. It's starting to become my go-to frosting.

I made a LARGE amount of buttercream. I chilled my cakes and stacked them one on top the other and cumb coated the whole thing.

Then I got out my piping tools. I searched and searched and finally found the perfect tip: Wilton Grass Tip 233.

2 cups of butter cream later...I was confident enough to try frosting my cake.

3 hours later (and an almost broken wrist =O )....I WAS DONE.

I then added white buttercream eyes and chopped off my cookies in half (and I totally did not eat the broken ones =) ) and stuck them on his mouth.

Here's the cake on the inside =D
and voila!

Monster Cookie Cake





  1. I love your cake!! It looks so cute :) You shoul post ypur recipes

  2. Thank you so much :D and I really should, I'm planning to start doing that soon enough..

  3. Thank you Sary!!! :P I know how much you like l shighil l ndeef..:P

  4. You know what, being a blogger myself, trying to break through in there, I was always told that food blogs are what people really read. And I go to all these food blogs, and I see a lot of nice pictures of food, which I'm kind of all over exposed to, and then I come across this blog, and I like it a lot! I think it's way cool to see you making such cool monster cakes that looks fantastic!

    Since I'm more into video work, perhaps we should collaborate on a piece once? I would love to film the making of one of your crazy cakes :P

    Thank you, and keep on blogging!


    1. Now that's one awesome comment! Thanks a lot.

      I would definitly like to "collaborate on a piece" once, we should talk some more.

      here's my email:


Thank you for leaving a comment!!! It's what gets me excited to go into the kitchen and bake again! =D