Monday, December 2, 2013

Lady in Purple

A simply purple lemon cake for a lady who loves pearls.

I really enjoyed making this cake. All of my order have been about sports and guy stuff lately. It was a nice change doing this extremely feminine cake. And I finally got to use those pretty cake mats! :D

I simply love it when I have my cake frosted and covered with white fondant. Looks like am empty canvas just waiting for someone to splash it with color, don't you think?

Et Voila!

I also had to add a ribbon somewhere, the frilly ribbon just fit right into the theme?

Now all this cake needs is a BIG purple hat to go with it.

What do you think?

Oh, and don't forget to check out my new website: !!

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Thank you for leaving a comment!!! It's what gets me excited to go into the kitchen and bake again! =D