Saturday, February 2, 2013

Sushi Roll Cake

It's been done! My first sushi cake. well..sushi roll cake. And surprisingly it was pretty easy! and really fun to do. The pieces all fit together perfectly.

 Let's talk cake.

The cake itself is a vanilla-lemon cake. In other words, fluffy vanilla cake with lemon curd filling and white vanilla frosting.

and as usual: Marshmallow Fondant!!

I made a dark (black-ish) fondant strip and wrapped it around the cake and sprinkled white sprinkles on top for the "rice".

I dug through many leftover fondant pieces from previous cakes...turns out I have many many colors left (makes life muuuuuch easier) and added all the colors to the sushi roll.

Finally, a sushi cake cannot exist without some chopsticks, so I stacked 2 on top.

The wasabi

The ginger

I just love the pink of the ginger...don't you think it looks good??

Yummy...I think I'll be going out for sushi tonight...


  1. That looks great! You could have added coconut for the rice too, right?

    1. Thanks Sareen!! Yes, I thought of coconut at first but was afraid the taste wouldnt go well with the cake..


Thank you for leaving a comment!!! It's what gets me excited to go into the kitchen and bake again! =D