Tuesday, February 28, 2012

A million sheets of heaven: Mille Feuilles

Photo Credit: Diana Loutfy
Mille Feuilles: Puff pastry with French cream and a topping of powdered sugar! Is there a more perfect combination?

I found in this recipe in the Cake Boss's book. (I plan of trying out all his recipes! There's a 100 of them =D ) But he calls these Napoleons. The only difference is the topping. I used powdered sugar, whereas his had icing on top.

My family has been asking for this dessert for a long time now, and I've always been afraid of how the puff pastry will turn out. It's a bit hard to control, but once you know how to work with it, you'll get the results you want.

Anyway, I made this dessert by following these steps:

1. I baked two rectangle puff pastry sheets.
Photo Credit: Diana Loutfy
2. In order to make French Cream, I mixed both Italian Custard Cream with Whipped Cream. Whipped Cream is simply 1 cup Whipping cream to 1/4 cup sugar whipped until thick. The Custard is bit more complicated but the basic idea is that you should simmer some milk with vanilla essence on medium low heat. In a separate bowl, whip up egg yolks, sugar and cake flour. Then mix both together until thick. After taking of beat, you add a LITTLE bit of butter and refrigerate. (I'll make a more detailed recipe soon and add it to the index :) )
3. You cut up the puff pastry and assemble!
4. Sprinkle some powdered sugar on top.

Photo Credit: Diana Loutfy

Bon Apétit! 


  1. mmmmm mom loved Mille Feuilles so I got to eat them a lot :P
    These look really good Diana :)
    Good job with the photos too!

  2. Ya waile shu taybeen. But i will not blame you for my weight gain this winter. It is my fault. I am the one eating not you. Bas kteeeeeeeer taybeen shu ba3mil?

  3. Mommmm!!!! Eat as much as you want!!!! Sa7ten!!!! Thank uu :P

    sary! I wish you can try them!! Thhank you. Im happy you like them :)

  4. Dianaa!! :( I didnt try these i dunno y :(

  5. Yi!!!! Why?? How come? Ill some for you alone soon :D


Thank you for leaving a comment!!! It's what gets me excited to go into the kitchen and bake again! =D