Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Pink Piglet Cake

I believe everyone has a little kid inside of him/her. And this kid loves - and will always love - and hang on to that very short childhood!
Who doesn't smile when a picture of the Flintstones passes by, or when they hear "I toott I saww a pwussycatt!!! I diiid, I diiidd!!!" =) Ah I bet you this warm fuzzy feeling inside right now, well at least I do :P

Point is: A friend of mine absolutely LOVES piglet! Her entire room is pink and she has like a million piglet toys! It's very cute =D

Photo Credit: Diana Loutfy 

So for her birthday, yes... you guessed it, I wanted to make her a piglet cake! As usual, sleepless nights kept me up (yes I'm obsessed like that), thinking how I should do it, what design to choose, how big the piglet should be etc. Finally after finally deciding on the final 'draft', I got down to business. 

I went for simple! A white-fondant covered cake with piglet laying on top. I added some green grass (like :P ) border to soften the edges of the cake and add some color to it.

Photo Credit: Diana Loutfy

It was one of the biggest challenges, making that piglet! But entirely fulfilling! =D    

Photo Credit: Diana Loutfy - View from the top

Photo Credit: Diana Loutfy

 What do you think?

What's your favorite character? =D

(I tried to choose one but I failed =( Flintstones, Tinkerbell, Goofy, Tom & Jerry! Aah the list never ends... )


  1. wow nice cake :) good work
    little piglet needs some more polishing but other than that zeina is a lucky girl!

  2. thank u!!! i completely agree =) that's why my cakes are still not unleashed to the public yet :P
    Needs some more work =)

    Happy you liked it =D


Thank you for leaving a comment!!! It's what gets me excited to go into the kitchen and bake again! =D