Sunday, October 23, 2011

Halloween Dead Finger Cookies

Halloween is almost here! and it's time for some TRICK OR TREATIN'!

SO, I decided I'd give some dead fingers a try. (You choose whether they're tricks or treats =P) Well not ACTUAL dead fingers, but sugar cookies-ery ones =D

I used Martha Stewart's sugar cookie recipe as my base and continued from there. I shaped the fingers by molding a walnut-sized-cookie-batter-ball into long, thin strips. Then I pinched the strips to create knuckles. After that I used a small knife to create that wrinkly effect. As for the nails, I added an almond to each strip and it miraculously transformed into a scary, dead finger. (Read More to see pictures)

Here's how the cookies looked like (before baking)

Photo Credit: Diana Loutfy

And here's how they turned out :
(Oh, and I sprinkled some bittersweet cocoa powder to add to the deathly-ness!)

Photo Credit: Diana Loutfy

Would you eat those??

Got any Halloween treat ideas?

Happy Halloween People!


Thank you for leaving a comment!!! It's what gets me excited to go into the kitchen and bake again! =D