Saturday, August 31, 2013

Homemade Croissants - Paris style!

During my last trip to Paris, i took this amazing pastry class at La Cuisine Paris. It was the highlight of my trip. I felt at home!! The chef was the sweetest lady ever and the people taking the class with me were from all over the world!

But let me tell you, croissants need time! And the smallest mistake can mess them up. You even have to make sure the weather outside is suitable for these french yummies. 

Lebanon weather is very humid, so yea I had some trouble making them but they turned out pretty good.

I guess I'll just have to keep trying (and eating) more croissants in order to get the perfect one.

So here are my babies before I left them rise!

And here they after rising! They rose quite  a bit didn't they?!!

And here they are after baking!!!

Et voila!